An Idea for Christine Blasey Ford

Let me be very clear: I fully recognize I can’t empathize with or understand how Christine Blasey Ford is feeling now. The below stems from the sympathy I have for her and her family. Obviously, she must do what she knows is best for her family. This is simply one man’s idea for how she may respond to the attacks Republicans have decided to launch at her.

  • Mrs. Blasey Ford could attend the hearing on Monday, even without the FBI background investigation she deserves.
  • She could ask to make an opening statement. I’m sure Republicans would grant that wish.
  • She could explain how she was afraid to come forward because she feared for her safety.
  • She could let the senators know she knew her character would be attacked.
  • She could point out the way Anita Hill was treated in 1991.
  • With all of that on the table, Mrs. Blasey Ford could read each and every death threat into the record.
  • She could read into the record all of the emails attacking her and her character.
  • She could read into the record the social media posts giving out her address and personal information.
  • She could read into the record the statement of Senator Hatch calling her mistaken and confused.
  • She could read into the record the numerous statements made by Republicans about the need to have Kavanaugh seated by October first.
  • She could explain to all of us what it feels like to be driven from your home fearing for your life.
  • She could tell us how it feels to watch your friends and family suffer from attacks and questioning.
  • She could finish by asking senators to question Kavanaugh about his death threats.
  • She could remind us that Kavanaugh is still living at home.
  • She could say she’ll be happy to return and answer questions after a credible background investigation has been completed.
  • She could remind senators that going through death threats to bring a story to the public’s attention is worth an investigation.
  • She could remind senators the Supreme Court recently had a vacancy for 422 days–what’s another few weeks.
  • With that, Christine Blasey Ford could stand and leave the sexist Senate to consider its shameful conduct and misogynist ways.


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